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The BHU Future Farming Centre – Homepage

Permanent Agriculture and Horticulture: Science, Extension and Consulting.

March 2023 the website has undergone considerable maintainance and upgrading due to shifting from Joomla to WordPress.  If some pages are not working please email with details so we can fix them.

The BHU Future Farming Centre (FFC) is dedicated to the science and extension of permanent and whole-system agricultures and horticultures, such as organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, agroecology, and biological farming, for the benefit of all farmers and growers.

A key remit of the FFC is the provision of information on a wide range of agricultural and horticultural areas such as cropslivestocksoil and weed management.  It also publishes the FFC Bulletin, a quarterly extension publication for farmers, growers and scientists.

The FFC has three main areas of activity: researchextension and consulting, thus offering farmers and growers all the services they need to help them optimise their production systems.

The FFC has a permanant team of staff and associates, based in NZ and overseas, who have a broad range of expertise across all the production sectors. It also  has extensive linkages with partner organisations, including Universities and research organisations both in NZ and overseas.  This means it has the ability to undertake a very broad range of activities, which coupled with its deep understanding of the practicalities of real-world agriculture and horticulture, ensures that the outputs are trusted by farmers and growers and can be implemented on-farm.

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