With the growing complexity of issues that agriculture and horticulture faces, from needing to produce sufficient food and fibre, through, mitigating and adapting to climate change, to maintaining soil quality, it is increasingly important for scientific institutions to collaborate. This allows them to bring the best of their individual expertise to bear on issues while avoiding the reductionist traps that have befallen research in the past, such as solving one problem only to create a much bigger problem elsewhere in the system. As many of the problems facing agriculture are now multidimensional, affecting multiple ecological systems, e.g. soil, air, water, and with multiple societal impacts, it is vital that research takes a multidisciplinary and whole-of-system approach.
The FFC is therefore very pleased to announce a growing list of partner organisations both within NZ and globally, that will enable it to be even more effective in its mission of finding permanant and practical solutions for farmers and growers.
The current partner organisations include:
- FiBL (EU)
- LandWISE Inc (NZ)
- Lincoln University (NZ)
- Nafferton Ecological Farming Group (UK) Now closed down
- Organics Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ)
- The Organic Research Centre – Elm Farm (UK)
- Organic Research Centres Alliance (Intl)
- The Sárvári Research Trust (UK)
- Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM (Intl)
- Washington State University, Department of Crop & Soil Sciences, Organic Farm (USA)