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Report on Indigenous Agroecology by FFC scientist Dr Marion Johnson
The report, edited by Dr Marion Johnson of the FFC and Chris Perley of Thoughtscapes, looked at how mātauranga Māori (Māori traditional knowledge) and Totohungatanga Moriori ( Moriori traditional knowedge) can inform and generate innovation in farm practices. (more)
iPES FOOD – calling for a paradigm shift in agriculture
iPES FOOD is an international panel of experts on sustainable food systems, and they have just released a new report that critiques the current agricultural system, not just on the farm, but the whole food industry including consumptions and makes recommendations on how the system can be changed. (more)
Two important soil publications
The last month has seen the publication of two highly contrasting, but equally important, soil publications. The first is “Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management” from the FAO and the second is “Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas” from the European Commission. The former summarises the scientific evidence for what damages soils and what to do to protect them and the latter can simply be described as a work of exceptional beauty that everyone, especially school children should have on their bookshelf – and its free! (more)
OSCAR – Optimising Subsidiary Crop Application in Rotations – Final outputs
From the home of tortured acronyms (i.e., the EU) comes a wealth of information from the Optimising Subsidiary Crop Application in Rotations (OSCAR) project on cover crops and particularly undersown / subsidiary crops for which there is a dearth of research globally. (more)
BioGreenhouse – sustainability and productivity of protected cropping systems
BioGreenhouse is another EU funded project, this time focusing on improving the sustainability and productivity of protected cropping systems – polytunnels and glasshouses. (more)