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Vineyard floor management: A sustainability nexus with a focus on undervine weeding. Report number 04-2019.
This report was instigated in 2014 by Organic Winegrowers NZ requesting a booklet on organic undervine weed control. However, it quickly became clear as I was writing the weeding booklet that it is impossible to separate out undervine weed management from the management of the whole vineyard floor and that the vineyard floor is a nexus of many of the solutions to humanities global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. The undervine weed management section has been published by Organic Winegrowers NZ, but, this is the full report, now updated.
While written for organic winegrowing in New Zealand, the report is equally appliable to both organic and non-organic systems, and any perennial crop production system, e.g., pipfruit, stone fruit, nuts, vines, bush / cane fruit, not just grape vines, in any country, not just New Zealand.
Testing the compatibility of mesh crop covers with desiccant sprays in seed potato production. Report number 06-2018
Report on the experiments conducted with the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) and Potatoes NZ on the use of mesh on seed potato crops and if desiccants can be successfully sprayed through mesh.
An analysis and overview of Regenerative Agriculture. Report number 2-2019
Regenerative agriculture is a set of farming practices and a social movement that has been increasing in visibility and uptake by farmers & growers in New Zealand over the last five to ten years. However, its relative novelty and diversity of influences means that its origins and exactly what it is are unclear. This desk study aims to provide some background as to the origins and key components of regenerative agriculture, and its relationship to science and society.
Soil management for sustainable food production and environmental protection
Mark Measures, a leading organic farming researcher and consultant in the UK, was a 2017 Churchill Fellow, completing his report on studying “new methods of soil analysis and management and to assess the potential of different farming systems and practices to deliver more sustainable food production and beneficial environmental outcomes”. Mark works both in the scientific and practical farming worlds so has delivered a comprehensive report that it highly accessible to farmers and growers.
The Agroforestry Handbook
The FFC Bulletin has covered many useful agro-forestry resources, due to the multitude of benefits it offers. This latest offering is a comprehensive handbook published by the Woodland Trust and Soil Association in the UK, and, is aimed at farmers, growers, and foresters and is a highly practical guide.