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The FFC, through its head Dr Charles Merfield, was heavily involved in the recent series of research reports from Landcare Research – Manaaki Whenua and the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge – Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai that explored many aspects of Regenerative Agriculture: What is and what it is not, what potential it offers for New Zealand and what research is required to support it. Many of the reports are also valuable for their more general perspective on the many facets of Aotearoa New Zealand’s farming systems, such as animal welfare, economics and marketing, native biodiversity, rural wellbeing and sociology. The following are a complete list of all the reports and webinars.
An introduction and guide to the ‘alternative agricultures’: an enquiry into values.
Regenerative principles applied in New Zealand.
Soil health in the context of Regenerative Agriculture
Determining the greenhouse gas reduction potential of Regenerative Agricultural practices.
Quantifying resilience to drought and flooding in agricultural systems.
Ecosystem-based solutions for climate change adaptation in rural landscapes of New Zealand.
Terrestrial macrofauna invertebrates as indicators of agricultural impacts.
Native biodiversity and Regenerative Agriculture in New Zealand
Assessing animal welfare in New Zealand pastoral farms.
Determining the economic and market potential of regenerative agriculture.
Productivity: Indicators and associated methodologies to quantify production.
Nutrient density and food quality in the context of regenerative agriculture.
Place-based approaches to assessing the impact of Regenerative Agriculture in New Zealand.
New Zealand’s monitoring frameworks for agricultural sustainability and assurance.
Research strategies relevant to Regenerative Agriculture in New Zealand.
Plus five webinars
Overview of Regenerative Agriculture in New Zealand.
Regenerative Agriculture: Soil and Climate Change.
Regenerative Agriculture: Biodiversity and Animal Welfare.
Regenerative Agriculture: Productivity, Profit and Food Quality.
Regenerative Agriculture: Measuring What Works, Where It Matters.