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Mesh crop covers
This is the main page for the extensive research and extension work undertaken at the FFC on mesh crop covers. This started as trying to find an organic / non chemical solution to controlling tomato potato psyllid (TPP) on field potatoes but quickly morphed into a series of serendipitous discoveries including that mesh crop covers inhibit potato blight, directly boost potato yield through blocking UV light and modifying crop microclimate, plus that TPP are highly responsive to UV. Mesh proved vastly more effective and profitable for TPP control on potatoes than chemicals. This resulted in mesh covers being commercially available in Aotearoa New Zealand and thus being available to control a wide range of pests on field vegetables and perennial crops. There is also general background information on mesh crop covers and their use and also how to purchase from the BHU Organic Trust’s webshop ‘The Organic Store‘
Directions for research in the certified organic management of Phytophthora cinnamomi in avocados (PDF file)
Report number 2012-1, January 2012. Report written for New Zealand Organic Avocado Growers (NZOAG) on the management of Phytophthora in avocados. Some of these suggestions were also considered for the management of Kauri (Agathis australis) dieback caused by the oomycete Phytophthora agathidicida.
Initial trials of Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) as a fungicide and health promotor on grapes (PDF file)
Report number 4-2012 May 2012. Report into the potential of kept extracts as a fungicide and biostimulant.