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Launch of the BHU Future Farming Centre
The FFC was launched on the 31 October 2011 at Lincoln University, with a public lecture titled ‘A New Agricultural Testament‘. The text, audio presentation slides are avalible. Read more…
Alternatives to tanalised wood posts
Tanalised/ copper chromium arsenate (CCA) treated pine is the dominant form of wood used in Aotearoa New Zealand, particularly in farming. However there are increasing concerns about the use and end of life disposal of tanalised wood. This article looks at the alternatives including a demonstration project at the BHU. Read more…
Mesh crop cover sales
The FFC has undertake wide-ranging and highly successful research into the use of mesh crop covers, initially for management of tomato potato psyllid (TPP) on potatoes but through a number of serendipitous results found multiple benefits and new finding. As a result the BHU Organic Trust is selling mesh for home gardeners and other smaller scale uses from its webshop – The Organic Store.
An analysis and overview of Regenerative Agriculture 2019.
The late 2010s saw the rapid emergence of Regenerative Agriculture (RA) in Aotearoa New Zealand (A-NZ). At the request of the BHU Organic Trust’s chair, the FFC published one of the first papers in A-NZ explaining what (RA) is including its origins, and what it could mean to A-NZ. Download the PDF report.